November 9

We are learning how to round in math. Rounding makes a number more simple when knowing the exact number isn't important. We use rounding in day to day life. Ask your child for an example of when you would use rounding? (Think of examples like; distance, time, money) We are starting by rounding to the nearest ten and will also be learning to round to the nearest hundred and thousand. Rounding makes numbers easier to use. What words do we use when we are rounding? Ask your child to round a few numbers to the tens place for you and ask them what the rounding rule is. 

Tomorrow is our important Remembrance Day assembly. The assembly will start at 10:30 am. If your child goes to Girl Guides, Brownies or Beavers, they can come dressed in their outfit for the day. Otherwise, please dress in red or black if possible. Our classroom collective poppy art will be on display at the assembly. 



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