April 19
In math, we are continuing to learn about multiplication arrays. A multiplication array is simply an arrangement of rows or columns that matches a multiplication equation. You can make arrays out of objects or pictures, and you can use any sort of shape. Check your child's backpack for a multiplication array worksheet. Your child should be able to explain to you how they made multiplication equations from each different array. Please discuss and have your child complete the worksheet if it isn't finished.
Over the next 3 school days, Mrs. Thouin and Mrs. Depner will be attending an educational conference called Learning and the Brain. In our absence, we have two very wonderful substitute teachers who will be leading the class. Ms. Samphire and Ms. McCosh are happy to continue teaching and providing a warm, caring environment for our Threehouse students.
Today was our special Teacher of the Day experience. Our class teacher read-a-thon winners, Ms. F and Mr. W, got to participate in group instructions, supervision and help lead the class. They did a fantastic job.
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