
Showing posts from March, 2023

March 22

  As part of our wellbeing school development plan goal, we are studying about perseverance. Watch this video with your child and discuss how it must feel to be the little bear climbing up to get to his mom. What does it mean to show perseverance? Can you think about a time that you showed perseverance? How do we keep trying when things get tough? 

March 21

We were able to welcome the Spring season with a pond walk where we looked for signs of Spring. We saw a woodpecker, some animal fur, budding plants and a few wisps of green grass poking out from under the snow.  Today is  World Down Syndrome Day, Tuesday, March 21, 2023. March is the 3rd month, representing 3 copies of chromosome 21 or the 21st day! To celebrate this day we photographed students wearing colourful and creative socks!  Our grade 5 buddies have been working on taking on a leadership role in showing kindness in our building and this will provide us with another opportunity to talk about the importance of acting with kindness, being inclusive and raising awareness about our individual differences.  

March 20

What arch shape supports the most weight? A square-shaped arch or a curve-shaped arch? Today we built both types of arches and experimented with unit cubes. Ask your child which arch support is stronger and why.  Today is the first day of Spring. We had our Spring photos and discussed the Spring Equinox.  Tomorrow is  World Down Syndrome Day, Tuesday, March 21, 2023. March is the 3rd month, representing 3 copies of chromosome 21 or the 21st day! To celebrate this day we are inviting students to wear colourful and creative socks!  Our grade 5 students have been working on taking on a leadership role in showing kindness in our building and this will provide us with another opportunity to talk about the importance of acting with kindness, being inclusive and raising awareness about our individual differences.  

March 17

 Monday is Spring Photo day! All students will have a photo taken and prints will be available through LifeTouch if desired. Calling all recyclable materials! We will be doing some more building next week and it would be very helpful if students could bring your paper towel tubes, plastic containers, even empty pop cans for our next building project. Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.

March 15

The Chief Superintendent of the CBE Christopher Usih visited our classroom today and read Be You by Peter H. Reynolds. He reminded us how important it is to believe in ourselves and be who we are. What a great message to hear from our school board leader. Copperfield has heart.

March 14

We have started a new unit in math: Measurement! Today we learned about centimeters and millimeters. We were introduced to how to use a ruler. We measured items around the classroom including pens, books, tables and desks. We are learning that length is measured in standard units according to the metric system and the imperial system. Measurement units can be abbreviated for convenience to cm and mm. Ask your child to measure items around your house using cm and mm. We had our special snacks today at lunchtime. Thank you to parent council and our parent volunteers for organizing this.  Keep reading for Read-Athon. Our teacher of the day will be decided by the most minutes read!

March 13

 Today we had a special guest reader, Mrs. Swain, our former Copperfield Principal! She read us a lovely story called Birdsong.  We will have some more special guest readers as the week goes on. Today was our Geometry Unit Assessment- try asking your child "What is a polygon?" "What does perpendicular mean?"

March 9

Today was Read in the Dark theme day for our Read-A-Thon. We had a great time in our dark classroom, snuggled in a comfy, cozy place with a good book on a cold day. It was a perfect day to read. We look forward to our parent conferences this evening and tomorrow morning. Please remember that there is no school tomorrow. Have a great weekend.    

March 7

 In math for our geometry unit, we have been learning about manipulating shapes. Today we worked on Translations. Brainpop- Slides, flips and turns - check out this video with your child and have them share their understanding with you.

March 6

.      Our Read-a-thon continues! Today is dress as your favourite book character. It was great fun to see our class dressed as different characters this morning. We also welcomed Mrs Patten to kick off this week by reading to us. She read The Snail and the Whale and This is a Moose. Don't forget the rest of our fabulous Read-A-Thon events happening in the next 2 weeks: Wednesday March 8th –D.E.A.R (Drop everything and read) in AM    Thursday March 9th – Bring a flashlight and read in the dark   Wednesday March 15th - D.E.A.R (Drop everything and read) i n PM   Friday March 17th – PJ day Please don't forget to book your conferences. This is an opportunity for your child to showcase their work. It is important that they join you for this conference!  

March 1

Parallel, Perpendicular & Intersecting Lines Song With a new season just around the corner, let’s SPRING into reading!   Our 5th annual Copperfield Read-A-Thon will take place from March 6th   - 17 th  and you can already begin to gather sponsors to collect pledges for books read by students. The amount that sponsors choose to donate is up to you! Throughout our Read-A-Thon, students will have the opportunity to  participate in having guest readers join their classes virtually and in person. These guest readers may include a variety of readers such as CBE professionals, emergency service personnel, authors, artists, and athletes. Top fundraisers from each grade will be put into a draw for a prize. There will also be fun prizes for our top readers, including the chance to be the principal for a day! Please read through the pledge form that was sent home with students for more information on specific dates and how to collect cash or cheques from your sponsors ...