
Showing posts from April, 2023

April 29

 Today we got up close and personal with our mealworms, observing their behaviour, handling them, and giving them names. We learned mealworm anatomy and their very interesting life cycle- ask your child what their mealworms will eventually turn into! Next week looks to be sunny and beautiful. It's a good idea to send hats and sunscreen, and make sure students have a water bottle. Many students seem to be hitting a growth spurt and may need some extra snacks and lunch for their hungry bellies. Have a great weekend!

April 28

 We had a fantastic field trip to Telus Spark yesterday where we learned about the history of Rube Goldberg machines and created Action Reaction Contraptions of our own! Some students also participated in science experiments about the pH scale and got to wear real lab coats, while others enjoyed playing in the outdoor Brainasium or took in a show in the Dome theater. Huge thanks to all the volunteers who came along with us and made the field trip possible.  Today we each became the proud parent of a mealworm or 3. We will research our squirmy pets, take care of them, and observe them throughout their life cycle. Ask your child what they plan to name their mealworm(s)!

April 25

Tomorrow we are going on a field trip to Telus Spark. The bus will be leaving at 8:30 am sharp. Please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather. We will be inside and outside during the field trip. Your child should have a healthy lunch and a water bottle. Students will be building an Action Reaction Contraption. 

April 19

 In math, we are continuing to learn about multiplication arrays.   A multiplication array is simply  an arrangement of rows or columns that matches a multiplication equation . You can make arrays out of objects or pictures, and you can use any sort of shape. Check your child's backpack for a multiplication array worksheet. Your child should be able to explain to you how they made multiplication equations from each different array. Please discuss and have your child complete the worksheet if it isn't finished.  Over the next 3 school days, Mrs. Thouin and Mrs. Depner will be attending an educational conference called Learning and the Brain. In our absence, we have two very wonderful substitute teachers who will be leading the class. Ms. Samphire and Ms. McCosh are happy to continue teaching and providing a warm, caring environment for our Threehouse students.  Today was our special Teacher of the Day experience. Our class teacher read-a-thon winners, Ms. F ...

April 17

  We have started our math unit on multiplication! To begin we are learning about equal groups and arrays. Feel free to watch this video at home with your child to understand what an array means. Multiplication can be arranged in columns and rows. Multiplication is repeated addition.  Today we had an assembly where we got to watch a performance by Joane Cardinal Schubert students. Ask your child what they enjoyed about the performance.  

April 13

Congratulations to our Read-a-Thon winners who won the prize of becoming "teacher for the day"- Sophie and Alex!  Today we will be treated to a performance of "The Wicked Witch of the Wetlands" by EvergreenTheatre. A few of our students have been invited to be a part of the performance which will be very exciting- be sure to ask your child about their favourite part.  Through the end of April and into May we will be starting new units- multiplication and division, animal life cycles, Peru, and fairy tales. Stay tuned! Be sure to return your field trip forms as soon as possible. Thank you!

April 11

 Hi families, We hope you had a fantastic long weekend! Today students applied all they have learned about testing materials and building structures when they built the structure of their choice using recyclable materials. Bookcases, bridges and sandboxes abounded as our engineers designed the best possible structures with the available materials. As you know, our field trip to Telus Spark is coming up. If you have not yet signed and returned your consent form, a paper copy will be coming home in your student's backpack. Please sign and return by Friday of this week. Thanks!

April 6th

We have started a building challenge. Ask your child if they are choosing to build a bridge, a book self or a sandbox.  It is wet and muddy outside! Please send your child with proper outdoor footwear for the puddles. We like to go outside a lot during the day and proper footwear helps keep our feet dry. Yesterday was fun lunch. Thank you to all the parent volunteers that made it possible. Have a wonderful holiday weekend. We will see you on Tuesday, April 11th.

April 4

Over the next few weeks, your child will be learning about estimating, measuring, and comparing lengths using centimetres, metres, yards and inches. To reinforce the concepts your child is learning at school, you and your child can work on some at-home activities such as these: • Ask your child to show you how a fingertip can be used to estimate 1 centimeter or a hand span can be used to estimate 10 centimeters (1 decimeter). Use these known amounts to estimate lengths of objects with your child. • Your child has learned to estimate 1 meter using his or her steps. Have your child use a metre stick to measure the number of steps you take to travel 1 m. Then you and your child can use your “meter steps” to estimate distances around your home. Tomorrow is Fun Lunch. Students will eat in the classroom and then play outside. Thank you to all our volunteers that help make this possible.